CEWH researchers are deeply immersed in understanding how sex and gender affect the use, impact and regulation of cannabis. In an era of rapid changes in cannabis policy, and increased investments in research, we are a leading voice in bringing sex and gender-based analysis plus (SGBA+) considerations to cannabis use, or, often, in highlighting gaps in evidence and policy considerations. We are providing a much needed sex and gender based analysis to current issues and prevailing practices in cannabis use, regulation, research and practice.

On our Sex, Gender and Cannabis Hub, we post a variety of tools and information, including research bulletins about recent survey data and research summaries on cannabis related topics of interest, both incorporating SGBA+. We also post resources for service providers with a focus on women’s health and cannabis use. For more resources on cannabis, see below:

Key Resources for Researchers, Service Providers & Policy-Makers:

Resources for Women:

You can also find our published journal articles and conference posters about cannabis in the Publications section of this website.