Methamphetamine use is a growing concern in Canada, and is associated with numerous negative health and social consequences. While sex and gender impact uptake, patterns of use, responses, and treatment access and outcomes for all substances, evidence-based practices and health information exploring sex and gender related factors affecting methamphetamine use is limited.

A report from the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health released in 2019 called for numerous changes to the system response to methamphetamine use in Canada. The Stimulating Conversations project took a detailed approach to understanding trauma and sex, gender, and intersectional related factors in the use and treatment of methamphetamine.

The project has integrated the latest evidence in academic research, best practices in the field, and advisory knowledge from practitioners working within settings ranging from harm reduction drop-in, withdrawal management support, brief outpatient substance use interventions, drug courts, and day and live-in treatment. Informed by these knowledge sources, we created resources to facilitate the application of evidence-based, and sex-, gender-, trauma-, and equity-informed approaches to improving treatment responses to methamphetamine use. These resources were created with the intention to be adaptable and applicable to multiple treatment response settings serving people who use stimulants.

There are many opportunities for developing more tailored responses to methamphetamine use, and we hope the resources developed in this project help to spark conversations and are supportive of practice.

Key Resources:

  • Conversation Starters for Healthcare Providers: Use these resources among staff to brainstorm what is already being done and what changes can be made to better serve people seeking treatment for methamphetamine use in your treatment context. Practical examples and tools that can be used in your practice are provided throughout.
    • Evidence-based approaches to methamphetamine treatment – View English or French
    • Methamphetamine use & sex and gender informed approaches – View English or French
    • Methamphetamine use & trauma informed approaches – View English or French
    • Mindfulness approaches for addressing substance use concerns – View English or French
  • Infographic: 8 Strategies for being trauma informed at the organizational level – View English or French
  • Environmental Scan: What Methamphetamine Services Are Being Offered in Canada? – View English or French

CEWH acknowledges the financial support of Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program.